The Unification Observatory was erected in 1984 out of the long-cherished wish for reunification and as a symbol of the tragic history. Since its establishment, hundreds of thousands of tourists and displaced people from North Korea have come to pray for reunification and to ease their pain.
- 481, Geumgangsan-ro, Hyeonnae-myeon, Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do (Tongil (Unification) Security Park → Unification Observatory)
- Goseong Unification Observatory 033-682-0088
Elevation: The observatory situated 70m above ground overlooks most of the Haegeumgang River and offers a view of Geumgangsan Mountain in the range of 16~25km. Visitors can also see the islands near the Haegeumgang River, Manmulsang (Sajabawi Rock), Hyeonjongam Rock, Sagongam Rock and Bucheobawi Rock. Facing the mountain range in the middle, visitors can see Guseonbong (Naktabong) Peak, which is the last summit of 12,000 summits of Geumgangsan Mountain, and Gamho Lake, which is associated with the legend of the heavenly fairy and the woodcutter. It also presents a spectacular view of Ilchulbong, Chaehabong, Yukseonbong, Jipseonbong and Gwaneumbong peaks. Birobong, which is the tallest peak of Geumgansan Mountain, reveals itself on clear days.
Entry Registration and ProcedureIn order to be granted access to the Unification Observatory, you must register and receive education at Tongil (Unification) Security Park.
- Entry procedure
① Fill out the Entry Registration Form (If in group, the representative must present his/her resident registration card)
② Watch the 7-min slide show at Tongil (Unification) Security Park Education Center (600 seats)
③ Drive your car to the Unification Observatory (10-min drive) Please note that you may not access the Unification Observatory by a truck, motorcycle, or bicycle or on foot.